Trip to Cirebon, West Java (1)

Visiting Cirebon was my old dream.
I couldn't remember, when exactly I began to dream visiting Cirebon with my family. After reading some magazines, I had a picture in my mind that Cirebon is a city/town that is rich of culture, has lots of beautiful old buildings, has delicious traditional food and is located not too far from Jakarta.
It must be very interesting and unique place!

route to Cirebon

Finally, my dream came true... Yes, we made it! Last month, on the first day of our children school holiday, we travelled by train to Cirebon. We started our journey from Gambir Train Station in Central Jakarta, and it took 3 hours only to arrive in Cirebon Station. For our children, this was their first experience of traveling by intercity train.
The majestic mount of Ceremai & flat rice fields were welcoming us just before we entered the Cirebon Station.

Ceremai Mountain Cirebon Train Station

Cirebon (formerly referred to as Cheribon in English) is a port city on the north coast of the Indonesian island of Java. It is located in the province of West Java near the provincial border with Central Java, approximately 297 km east of Jakarta.
The seat of a former Sultanate, the city's West and Central Java border location have seen its history influenced by both Sundanese and Javanese culture and also Chinese.
source : wikipedia
Kota Udang (~Shrimp City) is the Cirebon's nickname, but shrimp is not the only thing this second largest city in West Java has to over.
So... lets enjoy Cirebon!

where to go? what to visit? what is special about this city?
Those are some common questions for most of people when visiting a new place. And to be honest, we only got little information about this town from the internet. So we booked the hotel a couple of weeks before and off we go. With a help from a free map given by the hotel, we enjoyed this town.

Cirebon, West Java

First thing that we tought we should see was Keraton/Palace. It'll be good to show the children the traditional Indonesian Palace. They might not be too interested, but it's good for them to have an experience visiting some of them.

Keraton Kanoman
Keraton Kanoman is one of four palaces in Cirebon. It was founded by Sultan Anom I in 1677. In the outer area of the palace, the siti inggil, are masonry versions of the classic Javanese pendopo form, as opposed to the more conventional timber structures.
source: wikipedia

Keraton Kanoman Complex, Cirebon @ Keraton Kanoman, Cirebon @ Keraton Kanoman, Cirebon

The other Keraton that we visited was Keraton Kasepuhan, the biggest and the oldest keraton in Cirebon.

Keraton Kasepuhan
It is the residence of the Sultan of Kasepuhan. It was built in 1527 and its architecture and interior are a blend of Sundanese, Javanese, Islamic, Chinese and Dutch styles.

Untitled-Stitched-01 Keraton Kasepuhan, Cirebon Keraton Kasepuhan, Cirebon

After going around the keraton complex... this was the most interesting part for my son; the Cannon, made of cast iron.

over imagination!


Next, we visited some old buildings... not as old as the keraton, but they're quite old and of course...beautiful. All of them were built during Dutch occupation period.

It was a beautiful late afternoon after our children enjoying their swimming time, when we decided to walk together and see those beautiful heritage buildings. We visited about 7 buildings that located close each other.

BAT building, Cirebon BI-post Gedung Negara, Cirebon gdNegara2

I will not explain one by one of those buildings, sorry.
This beautiful blog, The Aroengbinang Travelog may give you lots of information about those buildings.
One of the places that always on our 'must visit list' is Traditional Market. It's a must! Like every city have their own uniqueness, I believe that every market have their own specialties.

Kanoman Market
Located in the front area of Keraton Kanoman, this biggest market in Cirebon is always busy from morning to late afternoon.
From the outside, it's like other market... crowded, hustle bustle. Love it!

our favorite vehicle; becak! A Lady in the Market

If we look around what they sell, we'll realize... seafood is all around.
As a port city and known as Kota Udang (~Shrimp City), it's not surprising if fresh seafood is available at anytime.

Untitled-Stitched-11 Untitled-Stitched-09 Untitled-Stitched-13 Untitled-Stitched-15

Lots of little attraction entertained us in the market...
The most favorite one for us was watching a lady with her capability of shredding chillies rapidly. Awesome!



I'll write more about the food in my next posting.
next : Trip to Cirebon, West Java (2)what to buy, what to eat.


meinekueche said…
don't forget to Trusmi (Batik Center at Cirebon, their batik especially Mega Mendung is really awesome) and eat a lot of Nasi Jamblang, boy I really miss Nasi Jamblang,huhuhuhu...oh yeah, once more,Tahu Gejrot in front of Cirebon Station is truly Tahu Gejrot :)
Anonymous said…
Makasih udah berbagi cerita ttg Cirebon. Postingan ttg travelling Mbak Vania berguna buangett. Saya rekomendasi kampung Naga ke temen saya yang mau ke Indo gara2 baca disini hehehe...Jadi pengen ke Cirebon nich..:)
Tuty said…
Wah iya... jadi inget nasi Jamblang Cirebon. Sedap banget lho. Lagi musim mangga nggak ya di sana? Mangga dari Cirebon enak banget.
Vania said…
we tried all of them, what a great culinary exprience.

menarik bgt emang nyamperin kota2 di Indonesia Ross. Mana makanannya enak2 lagi ha..ha..

Mbak Tuti;
kemaren itu belum musim mangga... kita cuma sempet makan manggis di pasar. Yummy deh.
Elsye said…
beneran va, jadi pengen kesana, kemaren mau kesana sempet ga jadi..sipp sekarang aku jd tau mesti kemana aja :D

thankss yaaa
Vania said…
emang asyik exploring Jawa Barat Sye. Gak repot di jalan, deket, transportasinya udah bagus dan terjangkau, ...makanannya enak2 lagih :D
Anonymous said…
I was born in Cirebon and lived there until i was teenager, dan baca cerita ini bikin kangen kampung halaman... makasih Mbak.. :,)